Born on a navy base in Agana, Guam and raised in Oakland, California, today Kevin appraises commercial real estate for a living. Growing up in various parts of the expansive and diverse city of Oakland gave Kevin exposure to a variety of culturally and ethnically diverse people from a young age. As a result of seeing and experiencing the many adverse effects of poverty on urban youth of color in Oakland, Kevin decided that he would commit to helping boys and girls whose experience growing up mirrored his own and many other minority youth growing up in many of Oakland's indigent communities. After attending college at the University of California, Davis, Kevin decided that volunteering for groups like the Urban League would be a great way to do just that.
What impact do you want to have on your community?
I want to truly help people (especially boys and girls of color) realize their full potential as individuals and collectively as a community.
What brought you to YP?
I found out about YP through a friend, attended a YP social event and really connected with the great people and mission of YP and decided that it was something that fit my personal personal goals and passions.
What do you enjoy about being a YP member?
Among other things, what I enjoy most about being a member of YP is the satisfaction that comes from knowing that I am giving back to the same community that has and continues to give me so much inspiration and purpose in my life.
What is your dream job (a fun one)?
My dream job (in another life) is to be a CIA agent who goes on critical missions around the world to save masses of people from natural and man-made disasters.
What else can you tell us about yourself?
One embarrassing fact about me is that at age 27 I still don't know how