Wednesday, May 13, 2009

May 19th Ballot Propositions

On May 19th voters will decide the fate of 6 ballot measures set to bring in an estimated $6 billion in revenues to the state of California, to offset the estimated $21 billion deficit.

To make up the funds, the State must consider cutting state jobs, reducing health care programs, eliminating certain social services, laying off teachers and increasing class sizes. Similarly, vital investments like building roads and bridges, investments in public health, crime prevention, and education, may be ignored.
In other words, the decisions that will be made in the coming months will affect residents of this state for years to come.

Take a moment to share what services/programs/expenditures you think the State should retain when trying to balance the budget.


  1. I think the state should try to avoid adding bodies to the unemployment line. Laying off workers in a time when there are little to no jobs only exacerbates the problem.
    I think there may be an opportunity to identify savings at the administration level in a variety of sectors in government, but particularly for school districts, and within the UC system.

  2. I'm really concerned about the Governor's proposals to cut or eliminate many vital programs in response to the failed propositions. There are proposals to change sentencing and parole for "low level offenders," eliminate HIV Education and Prevention programs, Eliminate UC and CSU outreach and completely defund domestic violence shelter programs. These proposals are ridiculous! Once again the Governor is trying to solve the deficit by endangering the most needy in the state. I for one will be fighting many of these cuts, especially the DV programs and I hope you will do the same.


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